Assessment of Impact of Harmful Factors of Production Environment in a Foundry

Improving the Acoustic Safety of Industrial Premises

Practical Recommendations on Noise Reduction at the Workplace of Recovery Train Electric Power Car Driver

Occupational Injuries in Civil Aviation

About One of the Approaches to Forecasting and Increasing Noise Absorption in the Cabins of Transport and Technological Machines

Sound-insulating Casing with Resonator Elements

Modeling of the Interrelations between the Working Conditions and the Health of Oil Sheds Personnel using Fuzzy Logic

Improving Working Conditions of the Cold Stamping Operators of an Electromechanical Plant by Reducing the Noise Level on the Example of Industrial Enterprises of the Republic of Mordovia

Influence of Noise on the Operability of the Operators of the Dishware-Package Shop of the Distillery