The rapid growth of heavy industry was observed in the 30th years of XX century in the USSR. Broad mechanization of coal mining had already turned the mine into a big plant with complicated electromechanical economy. Hence — close attention has been paid to occupational safety in the mining industry. At this particular time the publishing has been started of the specialized journal «Occupational safety in mining industry», which first issue was published in January 1932. A lot of work was supposed to be done by the journal on promotion of the latest developments in the field of occupational safety, highlighting of problems concerning ventilation of mines, ways of fight against gas and dust, organization of mine-rescue business.
The first editor-in chief (executive editor) of the journal the professor Bilenko V.L. was appointed — the famous scientific figure, the organizer of mining science and mining engineering, the author of one of the first editions in the country —“Safety rules for coal mines”. Outstanding figures of mining industry were the members of the editorial board — Abakumov E.T., Bazhanov V.M., academician Dinnik A.N., professor Evreinov G.E., professor Zhukovsky N.I., Ivanov I.A. (the chairman of the editorial board, collegium member of NKT USSR), Kagan I.B., Levitsky D.G., professor Novosiltsev N.S., Polyak B.M., professor Skochinsky A.A., doctor Stepanov N.D., professor Terpigorev A.M., professor Trushkov N.I., Turubiner M.G., academician Fedorov M.M..
The journal comprised the following sections: «Occupational safety and labor organization»; «Mine rescue work»; «Mining sanitary»; «Interdepartmental council on safety of work in mining industry»; «From work improvement practice»; «Injuries analysis»; «Inventions and improvements»; «Official department».
Promoting increase of knowledge on occupational safety the journal at the same time was fighting for extending this knowledge among great masses of the engineering-technical personnel. Activities on occupational safety, technical means were implemented on the basis of the approved normative-technical documents in the established order — standards, rules, norms and instructions, which, in essence, were just only arising. Information about the new normative-technical documents, clarification of some of their requirements, injuries analysis —one of the traditions of the journal, which arose at that time and remained up to now.
Journal success was defined by the work of the group of the outstanding leaders of science and engineering — members of the journal editorial board. Many of them are forever entered in the chronicle of mining engineering. The mines are given the names of Abakumov E.T., Bazhanov V.M., Skotchinsky A.A..
The journal had not been published during the period of Stalin’s repressions, in severe war and post-war years. By the year of 1957 the development of science and engineering reached qualitatively new step, the attention of scientists was concentrated on solving the important scientific and technical problems and strengthening of link between the science and production. The journal renewed its work exactly at that time, its field of activity was extended and the name was given as «Occupational safety in industry».
The journal main task — every possible assistance to further improvement of working conditions in industry. The journal became multi-industry, highlighted the issues of occupational safety at the enterprises with the increased danger of works in such branches as coal, mining, chemical, oil and gas extraction, oil and gas development, metallurgical; in geological parties and expeditions; at operation of steam boilers, pressurized vessels, load-lifting mechanisms, and also the issues of subsoil protection and rational use of natural resources. Nevertheless, nearly 50 % of the multi-industry information in the journal is still devoted to occupational safety of coal industry employees considering its specifics and labor intensity of coal deposit development by underground method.
The journal biography is inseparably associated with the country life. High-capacity cars, mechanisms, devices for complex mechanization and automation of production had started to be commissioned in the industries. All the above was highlighted on the journal pages. Many publications were devoted to acceleration of the scientific-technical progress, implementation of science achievements in industry. Great attention was paid to the development and application of means for ensuring safe conditions at the work places. Significant attention in the journal is devoted to the problematic issues, which occur due to further development of industry, specifics of coal and ore deposits development are highlighted in these articles. The journal “Occupational safety in industry” was awarded with the “Order of Badge of Honor” by the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of December 29, 1981 for active and fruitful work on promotion of the best practices in the field of occupational safety.
Today the journal familiarizes the scientific and technical public, and also readers with actual problems on ecological, power, fire and industrial safety.
In the work on distribution of new approaches, means and methods of ensuring safe operation of hazardous production facilities the journal relies on the modern ideas of safety and makes available to the public the essence and meaning of actions which implementation is required by the federal laws. On the journal pages the problem of ensuring safety for hazardous production facilities appears as a problem of ensuring national safety of the country. Propagandizing the idea of occupational safety the journal considers the issue of ensuring safety as an integral part of the scientific and technical progress.
During the years which have passed since the first issue of the journal had been published, its founders, content and presentation were changed, but the main subject, branch and scientific specific – remained, as well as the main goal — propaganda and information support of the activities aimed at ensuring occupational safety in industry what finely determines the image of the journal.
The electronic version of the journal has been issued since 1996.