Improving the Acoustic Safety of Industrial Premises


Sound-emitting production and technological as well as engineering equipment located within the enclosed space of industrial premises can form paired interacting sound fields with similar values of expressed dominant emission frequencies in the spectra, ultimately causing the formation of a physical process of sound vibration beats. The process manifests in negative psychoacoustic impacts on a human characterized by pulsating sound pressure levels over time with a pulsation frequency equal to the difference between similar frequency values of discrete components of interacting sound fields. The article provides the results of experimental studies to determine the required value of frequency mismatch of sound fields for individual sources of noise emissions mounted in industrial premises. The industrial premises have been presented as a rectangular parallelepiped with rigid sound-reflective fences. Simulation experiments have been carried out using an electroacoustic sound-emitting system represented as two autonomous sound-emitters — electroacoustic loudspeakers. The loudspeakers have simulated noise-generating engineering units with the specified passport steady-state speed operating modes ns and accompanied by the respective established physical processes of sound energy emission whose spectral composition contains specific discrete values of operating dominant functional sound frequencies fs. The technical result of the study is achieved by the implementation of a sufficient degree of frequency mismatch of expressed discrete components of sound emissions of individual autonomous sources of noise preventing the formation of the physical process of generation of intense sound vibration beats. The suggested technical method aiming to increase the acoustic safety of industrial premises assumes that the discrete values of operating dominant functional sound frequencies fs differ from each other by a limiting value Δf exceeding the value of 5 Hz.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-6-41-46
Year: 2024
Issue num: June
Keywords : noise acoustic safety звуковое давление sound field sound vibration beats sound spectrum industrial premises
  • Deryabin I.V.
    Assoc. Prof.,, Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russian Federation