Integrated Dust and Noise Protection System for the Operators of the Rail-cutting Machines


Existing rail-cutting machines have technical characteristics such as processing accuracy, productivity, reliability. However, on safety of the operating conditions, they have unsatisfactory indicators because they create elevated noise and dust levels in the working area of operators, which are far exceeding sanitary and hygienic norms.

At present, there are practically no engineering solutions applicable to metal-cutting machine tools that ensure simultaneous reduction of noise and dust in the working area. Nevertheless, in terms of the repair and installation work when replacing, cutting out defective places and assembling new rails, the efficiency of dust removal is especially important, since a clean joint without contamination is required to improve the quality of the subsequent welding operations. 

Theoretical models of the processes of noise formation during abrasive cutting are created. The results of the experimental studies are considered. Improved design of the rail-cutting machine is presented due to the use of a noise-protective casing and a filter-and-ventilation monoblock. They perform a complex function — reduction of the sound pressure levels and dustiness of the working area.

The results obtained will allow to ensure safe working conditions for the operators at the design stage of rail-cutting machines by simultaneous reduction of the working area noise levels and dustiness.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-9-64-71
Year: 2019
Issue num: September
Keywords : safety noise working conditions dust working area rail-cutting machines