Issues of Assessing the Organization of the Occupational Safety Management System in the Small Enterprises


The mathematical model was developed for assessing the state of the occupational safety management system at the small enterprises. It is assessed depending on various indicators grouped into four groups. Group I included the indicators characterizing availability of the organizational documentation on occupational safety and observance of the labor rights of personnel. Group II indicators are related to the organization of training and briefings on occupational safety. Group III indicators characterize the organization of accounting for injuries, prevention of injury rate and deaths among the personnel. Group IV includes the indicators of personnel death and injury rate. The cases of group deaths and injury rate are considered, a gradation of injuries is carried out according to the severity of the damage caused.
The model is based on the provisions of the theory of fuzzy sets. For each indicator that affects the state of the occupational safety system, a membership function is defined. It varies from 0 to 1 and demonstrates which values of the indicator correspond to one or another of its state in the enterprise.
When evaluating the efficiency of the occupational safety system, the unequal contribution of each indicator to the final assessment is considered. To obtain it, a hierarchical construction system is used. First, generalized estimates are built for each group of indicators. Within the group, weight factors are determined that characterize the degree of influence of the corresponding indicator on the resulting assessment. The values of the weight factors are found by solving the optimization problem using the method of indefinite Lagrange multipliers.
As an example, the calculation of the assessment of the state of the occupational safety management system for a small enterprise is considered. It is shown that in the presence of cases of injury or death of personnel, the assessment of its condition sharply decreases.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-3-27-33
Year: 2023
Issue num: March
Keywords : injury rate occupational safetу management system death функция принадлежности dynamic model fuzzy set small enterprise
  • Poroshin A.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate, FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russian Federation
  • Kondashov A.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Lead Researcher, FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russian Federation
  • Bobrinev E.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Lead Researcher, FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russian Federation
  • Udavtsova E.Yu.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher,, FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russian Federation