The System for Protecting Air Environment of the Welding Work Area Using Restorative Ventilation


The technology is considered related to the protection of the air environment of electric welding areas with the use of restorative ventilation and showering. With the help of it, polluted air is removed from the working area and the conditioned air is supplied instead for meeting the requirements of sanitary norms for the microclimate parameters of working premises and the content of harmful substances in them. The traditional technology of air purification from welding smoke has fundamental disadvantages, the main of which is the inability to clean the air from carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide impurities. To normalize the microclimate of working areas, the volumetric air conditioning is used, which requires enormous energy costs. At the same time, the distribution of supply air does not provide for the protection of the welder from intense thermal radiation. The system of harmful substances suction from the welding station limits the freedom of the welder action. Therefore, in some cases, he is forced to raise the suction funnel above his head, as a result of what the welding smoke enters the room.
It is proposed to avoid the above shortcomings by improving the system of complex protection of the air environment, containing an exhaust panel, an apparatus for cleaning and heat-moisture treatment of air with its cooling and subsequent return to the welder working area. It is advisable to use an apparatus for wet air treatment made according to the type of a packed scrubber-absorber using water with active additives of permanganate and sodium bicarbonate dissolved in it, which contribute to the dissolution and retention of toxic gases of the welding smoke in water. To increase the efficiency of air purification in this apparatus, it is proposed to use a special irrigated nozzle made of porous plastic plates, in which artificial turbulence of the air flow is carried out, which ensures its intense heat and mass transfer and temperature reduction. The use of such a device allows to implement an energy-saving technology by reducing the performance of the supply units to the minimum required level of outdoor air supply.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-3-57-61
Year: 2023
Issue num: March
Keywords : air conditioning энергосбережение scrubber концентрация вредных примесей electric welding area air protection restorative ventilation apparatus with an electrical filter microclimate parameters supply and exhaust system air showering
  • Sotnikova E.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Assoc. Prof., Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia
  • Kalpina N.Yu.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia