The greatest danger is represented by the pollution of geological layers and groundwater with technogenic streams containing oil products, phenol and its derivatives. The main reasons for their formation are: emergencies and the lack of constant supervision over possible migration of pollution. The article presents the features of the formation of objects of the accumulated environmental damage and associated pollution, its migration and transformation.
The article gives an idea about one of the new options of the concept of the implementation of defense in depth system, its specific features and stages of development and implementation. The basic principles are provided concerning its formation and use at the objects of various types and under different conditions, including at the nuclear facilities where it was widespread most of all.
Use of the considered system allows to expand its scope reducing industrial and environmental risks. The options are presented related to the pollution distribution, and the development of the events when using barriers in the defense in depth system; the main types of barriers and their advantages.
Specific features of risk-oriented approach application are shown, formulas for its use and basic options for events development within the framework of the application of the described approach for the situations dangerous for environment are given. Main provisions of the development of the system of defense in depth are associated with the results obtained when implementing the risk-oriented approach, and with possible changes in the properties and the direction of technogenic streams. Its use for the development of activities on containment and elimination of emergency situations consequences also allows to consider the subsequent stages of the development and implementation of the defense in depth system as one of the methods of ensuring industrial safety within the framework of an industrial facility normal functioning.
The article considers the specific features of localization and liquidation of sources of pollution and objects of accumulated environmental damage using barriers, defense in depth system and use of the risk-oriented approach for determining the area of development and implementation of the described systems.
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