Intelligent system for monitoring the effect of harmful and hazardous factors on the industrial enterprises employees was developed, which allows monitoring working conditions and functional indicators of the employee body for any period of interest, in addition, current self-monitoring of the working conditions and functional health indicators both in structural divisions, and the enterprise as a whole.
The system allows to monitor the level of exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors, changes in the physiological parameters of the employee during the work process, process and combine the data obtained into the system, personalize the maximum levels of exposure to dangerous and hazardous factors for each individual employee, as well as timely notify of any deviations from the normal indicators not only of the employee, the employer, but also special services. Proposed intelligent monitoring system includes two main components: data processing server and Smart- helmet, which is a device that includes the number of functions that ensure real-time monitoring of the employee himself, and the parameters of the work area surrounding him based on the set data. The system makes it possible to analyze the actual level of a harmful factor at the workplace in any time frame, as well as to comprehensively assess the state of the harmful factors in the workplace. The main customers of the intelligent monitoring system are the industrial complex enterprises, as well as chemical, resource-extracting, resource-processing, and construction enterprises. The use of this system will ensure an opportunity to quickly identify dangerous and harmful factors of the production environment that effect on the employee body.
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