Title Development of New Legislation on Industrial Safety


Retrospective analysis was conducted concerning the development of legislation on industrial safety. It is shown that the following factors promoted changes in the legislation: emergence of new laws containing norms that directly or indirectly effect the provisions of the considered law; change of the concept of state regulation; recording the results of law enforcement practice; need in fulfillment of the  international obligations on harmonizing the Russian legislation with the international one. At present, the work is being continued on further improvement of the legislation in the field of industrial safety.

Presented review of changes of the legislation in the field of industrial safety, and analysis of the reasons for the amendments introduced into the Federal Law № 116-FZ, as well as prepared new changes confirm the appropriateness of the idea put forwarded by Rostechnadzor pertaining to the development  of the  new law on industrial safety. The new law will consider all previously established requirements, law enforcement practice, as well as the up-to-date trends in the field of state regulation of industrial safety and implementation of the federal state supervision in this area.

Rostechnadzor proposal concerning the development of the new law on industrial safety was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation. For its development, the working group chaired by the State Secretary — Deputy Head of Rostechnadzor A.L. Rybas was set up at Rostechnadzor site. Active participation of the professional community in the development of the new law will allow to create the up-to-date, relevant legal instrument for regulating industrial safety, that will take into account the requirements of the international and national legislation in this area and aimed at reducing the risk of accidents and incidents, and, in case of their  the occurrence to  minimize the consequences of negative events.


Retrospective analysis was conducted concerning the development of legislation on industrial safety. It is shown that the following factors promoted changes in the legislation: emergence of new laws containing norms that directly or indirectly effect the provisions of the considered law; change of the concept of state regulation; recording the results of law enforcement practice; need in fulfillment of the  international obligations on harmonizing the Russian legislation with the international one. At present, the work is being continued on further improvement of the legislation in the field of industrial safety.

Presented review of changes of the legislation in the field of industrial safety, and analysis of the reasons for the amendments introduced into the Federal Law № 116-FZ, as well as prepared new changes confirm the appropriateness of the idea put forwarded by Rostechnadzor pertaining to the development  of the  new law on industrial safety. The new law will consider all previously established requirements, law enforcement practice, as well as the up-to-date trends in the field of state regulation of industrial safety and implementation of the federal state supervision in this area.

Rostechnadzor proposal concerning the development of the new law on industrial safety was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation. For its development, the working group chaired by the State Secretary — Deputy Head of Rostechnadzor A.L. Rybas was set up at Rostechnadzor site. Active participation of the professional community in the development of the new law will allow to create the up-to-date, relevant legal instrument for regulating industrial safety, that will take into account the requirements of the international and national legislation in this area and aimed at reducing the risk of accidents and incidents, and, in case of their  the occurrence to  minimize the consequences of negative events.

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  19. Klovach E.V., Buynovskiy S.N., Seleznev G.M., Lobanov F.I. Assessment of the Effect of Changes in the Classification of Chemical Products on Industrial Safety Legislation. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2018. № 8. pp. 69–74. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-8-69-74
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  23. Karabanov Yu.F., Pecherkin A.S., Tkachenko V.A., Sidorov V.I. Industrial Safety Audit of Hazardous Production Facilities. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2019. № 2. pp. 60–69. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-2-60-69
DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-5-12-19
Year: 2019
Issue num: May
Keywords : industrial safety industrial safety expertise technical diagnostics technical devices industrial safety audit explosives and materials hazardous chemical substances
  • Klovach E.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., General Director, klovach@safety.ru STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia
  • Shalaev V.K.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Director for Regulatory Documents STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia
  • Sidorov V.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., President Fund of James Bruce, Moscow, Russia
  • Yakovlev D.A.
    Department Head, D.Yakovlev@gosnadzor.ru Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia