Emergency situations at the oil wells are often caused by the formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits. Removal of harmful deposits increases the efficiency of production wells, increases the turnaround time, prevents emergencies, and, also, reduces the likelihood of an explosive environment. According to the industrial safety requirements for hazardous production facilities it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the causes and prevent such accidents. Therefore, it is required to ensure timely efficient removal of deposits, which in turn requires the improvement of methods and technologies for cleaning wells.
Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC uses the technology of the wells heat treatment by means of injection of heated gas condensate. The thermal method of removal has a significant disadvantage, such as melting of the deposits instead of dissolving them, which leads to a rapid buildup of wax on the inner walls of the oilfield equipment.
The method is proposed for removing asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits using a modified hydrocarbon solvent, which is obtained experimentally based of the stable gas condensate of the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field using cavitation-vortex effect. The new method is presented for obtaining a solvent by separating a gas condensate fraction using the single evaporation device operating at low temperatures. This method eliminates the influence of high temperatures traditionally used in the fractionating columns for separating gas condensate into fractions and ensures the safety of the technological process and labor of the employees.
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