Psychological Prevention of Industrial Injuries


The psychological analysis for the problem of the human factor of industrial injuries is presented in the article. The urgency of considering the problem of industrial injuries from a psychological point of view is substantiated. The characteristics of the factors influencing the efficiency of production activities are given.

The results are presented concerning the empirical study conducted at the petrochemical enterprise with the employees in the production of monomers using an assessment of the ergonomic working conditions and causes of injuries, psychodiagnostic techniques.  The reliability of the study results was achieved by using the methods of mathematical statistics (correlation analysis by Brave-Pearson and Vard methods).

The specificity of the manifestation of psychophysiological characteristics of the employee in the morning, day and night shifts is specified. The possibility is provided to predict the risks of human errors in non-standard situations at the level of psychological diagnostics.

The possibilities of using psychological measures in the prevention of injuries at the stage of occupational selection are described.

The results of study demonstrate the possibility of reducing injury rate by differentiating employees based on the psychophysiological indicators and determining the optimal working time.

Conclusions are formulated regarding the influence of psychological factors on the efficiency and safety of the work activity. It is advisable to consider the psychophysiological characteristics of the employees in professional selection, determination of the shift work schedule and admission to occupational activity.

The need is defined related to studying the causes and factors of injury rate from the standpoint of analyzing critical periods of time that require special attention and control from the medical and psychological services of the enterprises and departments of occupational and industrial safety.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-1-73-78
Year: 2021
Issue num: January
Keywords : injury rate human factor prevention production sphere occupational selection neuropsychic stability psychological and psychophysiological factors of injury rate
  • Medvedeva N.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Psy.), Assoc. Prof., Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia