Problems of Occupational Safety Management in the Context of Implementation of the Vision Zero Concept


A large number of the scientific publications is devoted to the development and improvement of occupational safety and health management systems, which analyze various factors that can affect their efficiency. At the same time, the review of domestic and foreign statistics of injury rate shows that when introducing the golden principles of the concept of Vision Zero, many companies and organizations faced the problem of stabilizing injury rates indicators, especially incidents or injuries with serious consequences.
Modern concept of the occupational safety and health management at the workplace, in a production unit or organization is presented, which involves constant monitoring of the situation for identifying the ways and developing measures to improve it. It provides for the use of a set of leading indicators which are a form of active monitoring and are used as input data required to achieve the set goals in the field of safety.
Based on the conducted analysis, the algorithm for the formation and adjustment of the Balanced Scorecard is proposed, the purpose of which is to transform the organization strategy in the field of occupational safety into the specific goals of each subdivision. The developed system of indicators is an efficient mechanism for assessing the degree of efficiency of preventive actions for occupational health and safety management system, and, also, provides an opportunity for the feedback to increase the efficiency of these actions, which is required for the processes of continuous improvement.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-8-27-34
Year: 2021
Issue num: August
Keywords : industrial injuries risk monitoring safety management monitoring indicators the concept of Vision Zero