Risk Assessment in the Field of Occupational Safety in Connection with a Retirement-Age Increase


Due to the inevitable transition of the largest industrial complexes of the country to work with full load, the creation of new industries, an increase in the volume of transportation of goods, including dangerous goods, and the need for long-term storage of hazardous substances, the problem of managing professional risks in order to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries is becoming more and more urgent.

In the coming years, there will be a sharp increase in the share of age employees in production collectives due to the retirement-age increase. This requires a new approach to ensuring safety of their work and preventing emergency situations due to the natural age-related decline in attention, memory, and staff performance. 

The probable risks and related problems in the field of occupational safety are assessed in connection with an increase in the retirement age, and, as a result, an increase in the share of the age employees in the production collectives. The proposals are developed related to reduction of accidents and injuries risks. Methodological basis of the work is to analyze the research materials on changes in the psychophysiological parameters of health and cognitive abilities of a person of pre-retirement age, which affect the increase in the risk of accidents and injuries, attention, memory, fatigue, performance efficiency. It is shown that after 60 years, the cognitive abilities of most people begin to decline sharply.  Occupational health and safety services of industrial enterprises need to accept a new reality in their work, and, in the near future to maximize attention to the age group of the employees.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-6-29-34
Year: 2020
Issue num: June
Keywords : industrial safety occupational safety risk accident retirement age diseases attention memory
  • Shirokov Yu.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., shirokov001@mail.ru Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow Russia