An analytical model for a comprehensive assessment of the state of the occupational health and safety management system in the industrial sectors is proposed. International and domestic experience of the scientific research is analyzed. It is determined that the occupational risk assessments are divided into a priori and a posteriori components. Under the assessment of a priori risk is understood its prognostic assessment. A posteriori risk assessment involves the analysis of a set of interrelated indicators of the health status of employees with their subsequent comparison in dynamics or with any other indicators.
The model was developed using the Bayesian approach, which takes as a basis the a priori value of a complex indicator for assessing the state of the occupational health and safety management system and determines the changes in this indicator. The final assessment of the efficiency of the occupational health and safety management system is built using the intervals of the Harrington function.
Numerical calculations were made to assess the efficiency of the occupational health and safety management system for a number of industries for the period 2015–2020. Calculations showed that a significant improvement in the state of the occupational health and safety management system occurred in the light, automotive, oil and gas and woodworking industries (comprehensive assessment indicator at the level of 0.7). The state of the occupational health and safety management system in the coal mining and petrochemical industries has practically not changed (the indicator of a comprehensive assessment remained at the level of 0.5).
Proposed approach can be applied to assess the efficiency of the occupational health and safety management system in other areas of economic activity, as well as in the systems of ensuring safety.
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