Climate-geographical conditions of the south of the Russian Federation, where works are organized on a rotational basis, can be called extreme one. These conditions are assessed differently by the personnel: to some of them the employees are adapted and know how to act, but the other part causes certain difficulties and requires much more attention from the management of the enterprises. The purpose of the study is to identify the most uncomfortable climate-geographic, production and social factors based on the assessment of the personnel of various professional groups working on a rotational basis in the south of Russia. To achieve the set goal the study was conducted, in which 82 employees working with rotational method and involved in construction of the Crimean bridge had taken part. Research methods: study of the documentation, supervision, questionnaire, statistical methods of data analysis. With the help of the questionnaire the subjective assessment was conducted concerning the comfort-discomfort of climate-geographical, industrial and social factors. It was established: the most uncomfortable of these factors for rotational employees in the south of the Russian Federation are high temperatures, wind, solar radiation, and high humidity; noise, chemical factors, enhanced control of meeting occupational safety requirements, high labor intensity; lack of the developed cultural infrastructure, absence or shortage of food and difficulty with transport and communication. According to the working conditions, all the professions are divided into four professional groups: electric and gas welders, installers, consumer services workers, machinists. Statistically significant differences in assessment of the discomfort of climate-geographic, industrial, and social factors for rotational employees of various professional groups were revealed. It was established that all the studied factors are felt by the machinists and electric welders as maximum uncomfortable.
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