Experience of Implementing Training Complexes at the Gas Industry Facilities of the Territorial-Production Enterprise «Yamalneftegaz»


Relevance of the development of computer simulator complexes, their advantages, disadvantages, as well as the experience of their implementation at gas industry facilities on the example of computer simulator complexes for checking emergency protection of technological facilities of the territorial production enterprise «Yamalneftegaz» are considered.

Complexity of the production technologies and process control, the risks of accidents, the huge industrial and environmental risk in the management of oil and gas facilities, as well as the significant weight of operator control errors in the total number of causes of accidents determine the relevance of efficient personnel training.

The use of computer simulators can significantly improve the skills of operational personnel and reduce the risks of accidents at the oil and gas sector enterprises. Simulators give operators and dispatchers the opportunity to learn in practice how to make the right decisions in emergency situations and work with modern process control systems, which in turn can significantly improve fire and industrial safety, the safety of technological equipment and even save human lives.

In general, the article emphasizes the importance of using computer simulators in the training of operational personnel at oil and gas enterprises, which can help reduce the risks of accidents and increase the level of industrial safety.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-7-79-84
Year: 2023
Issue num: July
Keywords : industrial safety gas industry training computer training complexes operating personnel accident risks