The study considers the systems of location of workers in coalmine excavations; the application of such systems is regulated by the Safety rules in coalmines. It has been shown that in Russian coalmines, zonal-type systems and continuous systems are operated. The compliance of each type of system with the requirements of the Safety rules in terms of design, functionality, and technical parameters has been assessed. The features of building a zonal-type system as to the methodology of placing tag readers in excavations have been determined. The continuous system functionality has been analyzed. It has been shown that in addition to the main function of personnel’s location, the system acquires other useful properties, i.e., the use of gas analyzers installed in the headlamp to transmit measurements in real-time mode indicating a measurement location; the implementation of two-way voice communication between a mining dispatcher and workers in excavations via individual headlamps. By the results of the study, the concluding provisions have been formulated: in zonal-type location systems, it is possible to meet the regulatory requirement for a five-second data update period on the condition that the maximum distance between readers does not exceed 60 meters; in continuous personnel’s location systems, due to their design features, additional functions to ensure industrial safety and organizational properties are implemented, expanding the practical value of such devices.
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