Theoretical and experimental studies carried out by the scientists in the field of mining development as a science are summarized. It is noted that any science, including geotechnology, is not a constant, absolute, and static value. It is noticed that the scientific picture of mining as a science is created by combining disparate scientific concepts and principles into a single whole, generalizing previously obtained knowledge and giving a common vector of ideas about the patterns and properties of reality. The unifying vector of its development from simple extraction from the subsoil towards renewable resource technologies is analyzed. The conditions are revealed, the integral presence and inseparable connection of which predetermines the concept of the georesources integrated development. The concept of geotechnology is defined from the point of view of the environmental safety, as well as the patterns of its development and the consequences of the georesources for nature and society. Measures are indicated that can significantly increase the economic efficiency and environmental friendliness of mining operations and contribute to the introduction of the resource renewable technologies in the integrated development of georesources. Issues of the environmental safety of modern technologies for the georesources exploitation are considered. The tasks are set that are quired for the solution at introduction of the resource renewable technologies, which implementation will allow to provide the maximum ecological safety. The principle of environmental safety is determined, which must enter into the practice of deposit development with the integrated use of natural and technogenic georesources. It is proposed to evaluate the individual design solutions for the development of natural and technogenic deposits from the point of view of maximum environmental safety of the entire technological scheme of a mining enterprise.
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