Taking into account the opinion of the responsible specialists conducting industrial safety expertise, the directions for industrial safety expertise improvement were considered. From the analysis of the proposals it follows that they do not eliminate the causes that reduce the quality of industrial safety expertise, which will be also negatively effecting the quality of work in accordance with the new proposals, if they are accepted for implementation. When developing the proposals, the opinion of owners and organizations operating hazardous production facilities was not considered. There are many questions that remain without answer, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, prior to start being engaged in the improvement of industrial safety expertise, it is proposed to eliminate the causes that reduce its quality. Moreover, that during the absence of these causes, the procedure and quality of industrial safety expertise proved to be effective.
These causes can be eliminated if the new provision is introduced legislatively into the relevant regulatory legal acts. The owner and the organization operating hazardous production facility make a joint decision on the appointed period of safe operation of technical devices, buildings and structures based on the calculation of the residual resource determined by the expert considering the analysis of the whole complex of information. Along with the expert and the expert organization, they bear equal responsibility for safe operation and technical condition of technical devices, buildings and structures within the frame of accepted period of safe operation or under the procedure of special operating conditions, if adopted.
The conclusions of industrial safety expertise and special operating conditions must be approved by the heads of the enterprises operating hazardous production facilities, expert or specialized organization performing the works under special operating conditions by analogy with extending the life of military equipment.
In addition, it is required to develop the Methods for calculating the cost of the main types of non-destructive testing or the Methods for calculating the cost of the procedures thanks to which the cost of the specific operating conditions will be formed. The Methods should be mandatory for use both for the expert organization (participants of the expert diagnostic system), and the owners, and (or) organizations operating hazardous production facilities.
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