Normative and Methodical Support and the Experience of Conducting Hazards Analysis of Technological Processes by HAZID/HAZOP Methods


The updates in the normative legal-normative and methodical-normative documentation caused by introduction of risk – oriented approach in the field of ensuring industrial safety are considered. It is shown that the specifics of this real stage of normative regulation — establishment of new mandatory requirements and recommendations on technological processes hazards analysis, first of all with regards to the need in application of qualitative methods of hazards analysis — HAZID and HAZOP, which are widely used in the foreign practice of ensuring industrial safety. Necessity of application of HAZOP method at the development of Project Specific Technical Specification and Substantion of Safety of hazardous production facilities relate to the deviations from industrial safety requirements is noted in the Article.
The description of practical use of HAZID and HAZOP for technological hazards analysis at national hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex is presented. As an example the actual material is given including: fragments of the work tables, process diagrams of the studied blocks and units, final results on hazards assessment of technological systems. General approaches and specific features of conducting HAZID and HAZOP studies of the specific typical hazardous production facilities of different function are analysed: gas producing, transportation of gas, oil and oil products, treatment and storage of hydrocarbon feed; objects of hydrocarbon feed processing (gas, oil, oil products). Based on the results of the conducted studies the data on the volume and the content of the recommendations on decrease in potential threats for safe and reliable functioning of technological objects are given. In general, on the bases of the outcome of HAZOP performance for the considered objects, from 39 to 192 recommendations are issued, out of which, from 5 to 56 recommendations are related to high criticality level.
Based on the received results the conclusion is made on efficiency of application of HAZID/HAZOP methods for obtaining an objective assessment of the taken safety measures, an optimality of the developed engineering and design solutions on construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of hazardous production facilities. It is noted that the use of the specified methods is particularly important at the development of the design documentation for hazardous production facilities, on which the new technologies are implemented that are not covered by the normative documents and accompanied by the development of Project Specific Technical Specification.

V.V. Simakin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head M.V. Lisanov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Director of Risk Analysis Center, risk@ E.V. Khanin, Department Head L.V. Blank, Senior Research Assistant STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia


The updates in the normative legal-normative and methodical-normative documentation caused by introduction of risk – oriented approach in the field of ensuring industrial safety are considered. It is shown that the specifics of this real stage of normative regulation — establishment of new mandatory requirements and recommendations on technological processes hazards analysis, first of all with regards to the need in application of qualitative methods of hazards analysis — HAZID and HAZOP, which are widely used in the foreign practice of ensuring industrial safety. Necessity of application of HAZOP method at the development of Project Specific Technical Specification and Substantion of Safety of hazardous production facilities relate to the deviations from industrial safety requirements is noted in the Article.
The description of practical use of HAZID and HAZOP for technological hazards analysis at national hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex is presented. As an example the actual material is given including: fragments of the work tables, process diagrams of the studied blocks and units, final results on hazards assessment of technological systems. General approaches and specific features of conducting HAZID and HAZOP studies of the specific typical hazardous production facilities of different function are analysed: gas producing, transportation of gas, oil and oil products, treatment and storage of hydrocarbon feed; objects of hydrocarbon feed processing (gas, oil, oil products). Based on the results of the conducted studies the data on the volume and the content of the recommendations on decrease in potential threats for safe and reliable functioning of technological objects are given. In general, on the bases of the outcome of HAZOP performance for the considered objects, from 39 to 192 recommendations are issued, out of which, from 5 to 56 recommendations are related to high criticality level.
Based on the received results the conclusion is made on efficiency of application of HAZID/HAZOP methods for obtaining an objective assessment of the taken safety measures, an optimality of the developed engineering and design solutions on construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of hazardous production facilities. It is noted that the use of the specified methods is particularly important at the development of the design documentation for hazardous production facilities, on which the new technologies are implemented that are not covered by the normative documents and accompanied by the development of Project Specific Technical Specification.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-6-64-72
Year: 2017
Issue num: June
Keywords : hazardous production facilities HAZID HAZOP hazards analysis design documentation normative requirements technological processes Substantiation of Safety