Making of concrete and reinforced concrete products with the required properties and the set operational reliability should be founded on the objective theoretical basis. Existing native and western theory of hardening of the Portland cement and materials based on it does not fully reflect the essence of the plastic binding mass transformation to stone, that gives the little chance to the scientific understanding of the technologies of concrete and reinforced concrete products with increased structural stability. Confirmation of the current theoretical uncertainty is a lot of still not fully studied and became habitually problematic details. Physical nature of the induction stage, the nature of the initial discontinuity and late saw tooth pattern of the process, the morphology of the cement stone, the reason for deterioration of the quality of the contact zone and many other phenomena are not clear. The existing theories and approaches (osmotic pressure, wetted layer, formation of internal hydrate, etc.) are contradictory, they are deflated by logic, by common sense and experiments. All the above mentioned, challenges the correctness of the existing organization of making prefabricated and monolithic concrete constructions and structures.
It is possible to present with exhaustive completeness the mechanism of hydration and structure-forming transformations of the cement systems, based on the accounting the defining role of electrical surface transformations, which inevitably emerge at the contact of energetically unsaturated solid clinker phase and the highly organized polar liquid medium. Only such an approach will allow to obtain an efficient theoretical basis for making of concrete and the reinforced concrete, as well as to apply it rationally in concrete construction practice.
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