The relevance of the work is due to the lack of a unified methodology for assessing environmental risks from hazardous production objects in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which makes it especially in demand against the backdrop of an increase in the number of new enterprises. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for multifactorial assessment of the environmental risk from the technogenic accidents at chemically hazardous objects. The methodology uses the method of expert assessments. Employees of the Industrial Safety Committee and the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their territorial subdivisions, employees of chemically hazardous objects responsible for their safe operation and environmental protection were involved as experts. Further, the statistical analysis and processing of expert assessments were carried out with the aim to determine the degree of agreement of expert opinions, to establish the final scores. This made it possible to determine the weight coefficients of the parameters and establish the final estimates for all valid values of the criteria parameters. The environmental risk of a chemically hazardous object is considered as a combination of indices of the environmental hazard of a chemically hazardous object, and the vulnerability of the environment from it. The first index is determined by the criterion parameters, united in 3 clusters: physicochemical, ecotoxicological properties of a hazardous chemical and its amount; technological equipment; and staff. After a quantitative assessment of the indicators using a matrix, it is possible to determine the level of environmental risk, both for a separate territory, and for zoning the entire territory around a chemically hazardous object. In the future, the creation of an information and analytical system based on the presented methodology will allow specialists to objectively and quickly analyze the state of the environmental safety at industrial objects, make informed management decisions aimed at reducing the environmental risk to the environment around the chemically hazardous objects, and monitor the efficiency of the measures applied.
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