The experience of conducting clean-up operations on the methane-bearing coal seams shows the inaccuracy of the methods for establishing the category of methane hazard of the mines in high-performance mining areas according to the relative methane abundance. At the same time, the level of the mine category for methane decreases, which does not contribute to the safe conduct of mining operations in terms of the gas factor. The indicator of absolute methane abundance should be considered reliable. The article uses a method based on considering the minute productivity of the shearer, and the intensity of methane release from the main sources. These include the exposed surfaces of the mined seam, coal broken in the face during transportation along the longwall conveyors and workings of the excavation area, as well as close undermined seams and interlayers of the coal. With regard to the sources of methane release in the extraction area, the dependencies are substantiated including a number of factors.
It is concluded that the intensity of methane release must be determined in the process of coal extraction by a shearer during the working shift, provided for by the planogram of coal mining in the mining area. These measures should be carried out after one or two landings of the rocks of the main roof.
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