Analysis of the existing legal requirements for operating organizations in terms of preventing the development and minimization of accidents consequences from the point of view of the «technology — equipment — personnel» system was carried out, and measures were proposed that are efficient safety barriers within the framework of the organizations readiness to act to localize and eliminate the accidents consequences.
First of all, the operating organizations are obliged to guarantee the safety of the technological system of oil and gas complex facilities. Requirements for ensuring the safety of a technological system are established by the design documentation, including on the basis of calculation methods and hazard analysis of the technological processes.
In the course of the conducted analysis of the causes of occurred accidents, it was revealed that one of the most common causes of accidents at the oil and gas complex facilities is the lack of technological regulations or their non-compliance with the established requirements. Carrying out a technological process and performing operations not provided for by the technological regulations can lead to an accident with significant consequences.
Based on the analysis, it was revealed that one more of the most common cause of accidents is the operation of buildings, structures and technical devices that expired their established service life.
When operating oil and gas complex facilities, special attention should be paid to staffing levels and personnel training. In addition to the mandatory requirements, it is recommended that a standard accident message be developed to help reduce the amount of time spent communicating in stressful situations.
Failure to take measures on preventing and minimizing the consequences of accidents can negatively affect the activities of operating organizations, both in terms of image and financial components.
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