The issues of identification of environmental hazards when implementing the concept of the involvement of poor metal-containing raw materials and tailings from ore processing through the application of a new leaching technology with a detailed version of heap leaching on the earth have been considered. The methodology of identification of the environmental consequences of the implementation of the technology of deep processing of non-conventional mineral raw materials considering the impact of mineral waste on the environment of the field development region has been formulated. An environmental component of the complex ecological and economic effect comprised of the consistently implemented stages of the existence of the enterprise has been considered. The main factors of negative environmental impact received a quantitative assessment; the territories adjacent to the enterprise have been ranked by the degree of the anthropogenic impact. The options to determine the extent of damage caused by the contamination of ecosystems with heavy metals have been proposed. Models to determine the environmental damage caused by industrial effluents as the main transporting medium and the efficiency of utilization of substandard raw materials based on the profit criterion have been formulated. The mechanism of removal of reagents and solutions to the environment by airflows has been specified. An approximate calculation of parameters of the environmental contamination for ore leaching of ore raw materials in the Sadonskoye deposit has been provided. It has been demonstrated that the chemical contamination of soils is prioritized when determining the environmental hazard and the hazard for the enterprise employees. It has been proved that the combined ecological and economic model of assessment of the efficiency of utilization of substandard raw materials joins ecological and economic aspects within a single natural and anthropogenic system, whereas the ecological and economic efficiency of production is a function of integrating methods of field development, including the application of a safety criterion for ecosystems of the environment. The study results can be used for the adjustment to the legislation on mining in the Russian Federation.
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