Aerodynamic Noise Muffler for Industrial Artificial Weather Apparatuses


Increased levels of aerodynamic noise are specific to many industrial production workflows. Artificial weather apparatuses (AWP) installed in production workshops and labs can be significant sources of aerodynamic noise. According to the measurement results, the sound level in the premises where artificial weather apparatuses are installed may reach 86–90 dBA. At the same time, the spectrum of noise emission is broadband, whereas the highest-level values are within the range of frequencies 200–10,000 Hz. The study's objective is to design a combined noise muffler that ensures the efficient reduction of aerodynamic noise of air intake and exhaust caused by artificial weather apparatuses in a broad range of frequencies. 
The proposed design of the noise muffler contains two isolated from each other chambers that ensure the reduction of air intake and exhaust noise. The chambers of the artificial weather apparatus are connected with inlet and outlet windows via air ducts. The air is sucked into the inlet chamber and removed from the outlet chamber via pipes. Partitions partially overlapping the chambers’ cross-section are installed inside the chambers. Perforated flow dividers are installed in the air ducts and pipes. Noise muffler elements are made of polymer material. Surfaces of elements installed inside the chambers are lined with porous sound-absorbing material containing open-cell polyurethane foam and a protective coating of sound-transparent, gas- and moisture-impermeable film. Sections of air ducts and pipes in chamber cavities are located at a certain distance from the surface of internal walls. The results of calculations of reactive and dissipative efficiency of one of the designs of the proposed noise muffler are provided. 
The efficiency of the application of the noise muffler developed is confirmed by the results of measurements of the sound level of the artificial weather apparatus in the production lab. The overall sound level before the noise muffler installation was 86 dBA, with broadband spectrum with tonal components. The installation of the noise muffler enabled the reduction of sound levels in the premises by 17–34 dBA in the broad range of frequencies 200–20,000 Hz.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-2-42-47
Year: 2024
Issue num: February
Keywords : безопасность технологических процессов аэродинамический шум sound absorption noise muffler artificial weather apparatus ventilation and air conditioning system
  • Krasnov A.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof.,, Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russian Federation