The issue of formalizing the concept of «risk» is considered taking into account its components in the form of harm (damage) to legally protected values. The problem is studied related to developing the methods for assessing harm (damage) of various scale and severity that can be inflicted on legally protected values.
Analysis was carried out concerning fires and their consequences in the buildings (structures) for industrial purposes with division into various industries. In the period from 2015 to 2018, the share of fires without material damage was about 77 %, and since 2019 it has increased to 95 %.
Data is provided on the economic damage from fires, and information on the number of damaged and destroyed buildings (structures) in various branches of industry for 2020–2021. It was found that the proportion of fires with unregistered material damage at the industrial facilities is about 80 % of the total number of fires. Such an indicator testifies the urgency of the problem of developing and applying computational methods for assessing economic damage from fires that complement the official departmental statistics.
Based on the regulations of the Methodological Recommendations on the organization of the calculation of material damage from fires, the officials of the state fire supervision authorities carried out calculations of the direct material damage from fires in the industrial sector. Use of the calculation methods will allow to improve the accuracy of assessing material damage from fires at the industrial facilities. This helps to reduce the proportion of fires without confirmed damage, and to more correct determination of their economic consequences.
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