The Safety of Construction of Roofing Materials with Greening Systems Using Modern Safety Systems for Works at Height


The relevance of the study relies on the fact that works at height are classified as highly dangerous. The number of injuries caused by falls from heights is threatening, compared with other factors of injuries. According to the statistics, the share of injuries caused by falls from heights is 28 %. According to the legislation, construction works are classified as works at height if there is a risk of fall for an employee from a height of 1.8 m and higher. At the same time, an employer must ensure the implementation of measures to minimize the existing level of injury rate at the construction site following the effective legislation. The basic measures of protection of employees working at heights can include personal and collective protection equipment and the use of protective fencing. In addition, the measures of protection include stationary anchoring devices mounted on the roofs of buildings. There are several versions of construction of anchoring lines; e.g., for concrete, metal, or green roofs. The structure of the anchoring device changes depending on the type of roof; e.g., a flexible anchoring line can be used in locations where the architectural appearance of the building must be preserved; due to its low visibility it is used for pitched roofs. A rigid line is more visible, and it is more appropriate to use it in locations where its impact on the architectural appearance of the building will be minimized. According to the conducted analysis, the existing safety systems used for roof works, to a certain extent, depend on the greening systems of the roof in use.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-3-21-25
Year: 2024
Issue num: March
Keywords : safety safety ensuring system work at height greening systems roof covering
  • Shushunova N.S.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia
  • Kudinova Ya.A.
    Student, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation