The analysis of official statistics shows that the existing mechanisms for reducing the risks of occupational injuries, based on monitoring traditional indicators of occupational safety, and financing a set of appropriate preventive measures, largely exhausted their potential. They do not contribute to further formation of a stable trend to reduce the occupational injuries. The phased abandonment of prescriptive regulation in the industry of the Russian Federation makes it inevitable to introduce the concept of the goal of activities on ensuring occupational safety and health. Approaches to managing safety of the organizational processes when measuring the efficiency of the occupational health and safety management system should be based on active monitoring and continuous improvement of the performance indicators of the relevant processes.
The relevance and need for a comprehensive solution of the theoretical, methodological and applied problems of monitoring efficiency in the field of ensuring safety of employees labor in the industry of the Russian Federation, as well as the imperfection of the scientific and methodological base and the state system of the operative management of occupational risks require the development of adequate and efficient solutions for improving the level of occupational safety, reduction of deaths and injurie rate.
The essence of the concept of proactive monitoring of safety is that the efficiency of planning and monitoring in the field of ensuring safety at all levels (state, industry, corporate, etc.) should be justified using measurable indicators (indices) of the efficiency of ensuring safety and corresponding values of the target and threshold safety levels. The paper focuses on the problems of developing a proactive monitoring system for occupational safety, and the use of leading indicators for monitoring occupational safety and health state in real time, as well as to respond appropriately.
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