The current problem in the occupational risk management is a more accurate risk assessment. The statistical sample of the causes of occupational injuries clearly shows the group of the organizational reasons of accidents that are caused by the human factor.
In the developed methodology for the assessment of the established hazardous factors, the authors propose to use a multiplying factor that reflects the risk-generating characteristics of a person. The level of risk for the individual employees at the same workplace (with an identical set of risk-generating factors) differs, in so much as personal characteristics differ.
The multiplying factor is the sum of a unit with the coefficients considering the following factors (there are five of them in this work):
for the production sector, the natural turnover of the personnel is from 10 to 15 %, and, if there is a deviation from this norm, turnover coefficient 0.1 should be used;
occupational safety training, compliance with all the requirements in this area; occupational safety training coefficient — from 0 to 0.1;
length of service of the employee at the studied workplace; length of service factor is assigned the following values: 0.1 (experience from 1 day to 1 year), 0 (experience from 1 year to 20 years), 0.1 (experience from 20 years and above);
occupational selection for risky behavior; occupational selection coefficient: 0 (if occupational selection is carried out after a questionnaire for the tendency to risky behavior), and 0.1 (if there is no occupational selection after testing);
psychosocial characteristics of the employee personality that can provoke the implementation of risks; coefficient — from 0 to 0.1.
Use of the multiplying factors in the assessment of occupational risks in an organization guarantees more accurate risk values, which means a more correct and efficient selection of the activities for risk management.
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