Methods and Parameters of Intensive Methane Extraction from the Coal Seams


The issues of geological and mining reserves and coal and gas fields methane resources, including those at the operating mine fields, are highlighted. The basics of integrated technology for mine methane extraction and disposal are given. The methodology is presented related to selecting technological schemes for degassing high-performance areas, considering their gas balance and mining conditions for developing methane-bearing coal seams. Total forecast volumes of methane possible extraction from the industrial coal reserves by means of degassing in some mine allotments of Vorkuta and Kuzbass mines are presented.  It is required to apply a set of measures for degassing the developed and adjacent coal seams at high-performance coal mining sites. At high-performance treatment areas of coal mining, it is required to apply a set of measures for degassing of the developed and converged coal seams.

The results of efficient work on methane extraction from the sources of its release are shown on the example of Kirov mine (AO SUEK-Kuzbass). The same level of methane emission reduction by degassing of superimposed seams with the wells drilled from the precinct and flank workings in the working areas was also observed at the mines of AO Vorkutaugol.

A positive effect from the measures for the extraction and utilization of coal mine methane is possible with scientifically grounded technological solutions for the choice of means and parameters for degassing methane emission sources. It also requires a high level of designing the degassing systems at the mines and the development of methods for using captured methane. The solution to this problem is shown on the example of the mine named after S.M. Kirov.

The industrial regulations for the integrated technology of extraction and utilization of coal mine methane were developed and implemented. The quantitative indicators of extraction of coal mine methane and its utilization are given based on the foreign and domestic experience in the development of gas-bearing coal seams.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-9-13-17
Year: 2020
Issue num: September
Keywords : mine degassing well coal bed methane content gas recovery indicators
  • Zaburdayev V.S.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation