Approach to the Assessment of Destructible Coal Gas-Kinetic Properties


The article is devoted to safety problems in the field of rock destruction and mine aerogasodynamics. It is proposed to improve the method of sampling coal mines for establishing the true values of the coal seam gas-kinetic properties (initial gas recovery rate, attenuation coefficient, natural gas content). As technical tool for sampling, a specially developed device is used, which allows to carry out destruction and transportation of coal to a sampler by drilling a hole in an isolated (from the mine working atmosphere) mode. During sampling process, the flow rate of gas released from destructible coal is measured. At the end of mine studies of gas release from destructible coal, the laboratory studies are expected to evaluate its surface-pore space by determining the fractional composition of coal (sieve analysis) and its specific surface (Brunauer, Emmett and Taylor method).

As a confirmation of the need for such studies, the results of work on establishing the dependence of the residual gas content of coal and the transformation of the surface-pore space as a result of its destruction during drilling of the hole are given. Analysis of samples taken at the working sections with conditionally degassed and non-degassed coal allowed to establish a significant role of gas in the process of formation of surface-pore space during the period of coal destruction. The proposed approach to assessing gas-kinetic properties of coal using a specially designed device will significantly complement the picture of gas release in the process of coal destruction. The results of research will serve as a physical basis for new methods on predicting and preventing dangerous gas-dynamic phenomena.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-7-40-45
Year: 2020
Issue num: July
Keywords : gas-bearing direct method gas-kinetic characteristics specific surface area dispersion of broken coal particles
  • Rodin R.I.
    Research Associate Federal Research Centre of Coal and Coal Chemistry of SO RAN, Kemerovo, Russia
  • Shinkevich M.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant, Federal Research Centre of Coal and Coal Chemistry of SO RAN, Kemerovo, Russia