Yakovlev Dmitry Alekseyevich

 State University of Management (Moscow), 2006, specialty «state and municipal management».
Professional experience 
 2016 – present time — head of the Legal department of Rostechnadzor;
 2012–2016 — deputy head of Legal department — head of the department of state policy and normative-legal regulation of Rostechnadzor;
 2010–2012 — Principal Adviser of the administration of the Committee of the State Duma on Industry;
 2008–2010 — Assistant to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
 2007–2008 — assistant director on communications with the state bodies of the «Russian aluminum» integrated company;
 2006–2007 — acting consultant of the administration of the Committee of the State Duma for economic policy, business and tourism;
 2004–2005 — economist of the laboratory of organizational and economic problems of management of the State University of Management.
Field of scientific researches 
 Normative-legal regulation in the field of:
 industrial safety;
 safety of hydraulic structures;
 safety in power industry;
 safety in the nuclear energy use;
 labour relationship;
 economic policy.
Scientific and production achievements
 The author of the concept of improving the state policy in the field of industrial safety, the provisions of which are implemented in the legislative and other normative-legal acts in the field of industrial safety.
 For the merits in the field of rule-making activity and legal support of the control and supervising and permissive functions of the federal executive bodies, is awarded with the commemorative medal of the President of the Russian Federation «XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi», the departmental awards of the administration of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia, Rostechnadzor, Department on supervision of safe operation in industry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, and also the certificate of honor of the Interstate council on industrial safety. 
 Membership in professional organizations 
 The member of the editorial staff of the «Occupational Safety in Industry» journal since 2003.
 The author of 25 published scientific papers, two books inclusive.
 Tel. +7 (495) 646-33-26
