Seleznev Grigory Maksimovich

 Adviser to the Head, Acting Head of the Dep. of General Purpose Industrial Supervision of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service, State Councilor of the RF of the 2nd class, Academician of the International Academy of Cold, Moscow, Russian Federation.
 Leningrad technological institute of refrigeration industry, mechanical engineer of refrigerating and compressor machines, 1976.
Professional experience
 1965–1966 — draftsman of the Klaipeda department of Giprorybflot;
 1966–1967 — technician-designer of the Klaipeda department of Giprorybflot;
 1967–1968 — senior technician-designer of the Klaipeda department Giprorybflot;
 1976–1979 — engineer of the 3rd category of NPO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash»;
 1979–1981 — design-engineer of the 3rd category of NPO «Cryogenmash» Vniikriogenmash;
 1981–1982 — lead designer of NPO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1982–1984 — lead designer — group lead of NPO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1984–1987 — head of sector № 2 of NPO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1987–1988 — head of design bureau of NPO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1988–1991 —head of department 312 of NPO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1991–1992 — head of department of NPO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1992–1994 — deputy head of department 305 of AO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1994–1998 — head of department 305 of OAO «Cryogenmash» of Vniikriogenmash;
 1998–2004 — department head of special chemistry of the Department for supervision in chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industry of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;
 2004–2005 — department head for supervision over explosion and fire hazardous, chemically hazardous objects and the objects of special chemistry of the Department for supervision over explosion and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous plants and objects of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service;
 2005–2021 — deputy head, head of the Department for supervision over explosion and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous plants and objects of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service; Head of department of the general purpose industrial supervision of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service; adviser to the head of the Department of general purpose industrial supervision of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service;
from 2021 till present — Lead Researcher of the Department of Regulatory Documents STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Academician of the International Academy of Cold, Moscow, Russia.
Field of scientific researches 
 Supervision over the objects of chemical industry;
 supervision over hazardous substances transportation;
 supervision over the objects of defense industry complex;
 supervision over the objects of storage and processing of vegetable raw materials.
 He organized and headed the commissions for inspections at the objects of chemical and defense industry complexes, transportation of hazardous substances and the objects of storage and processing of vegetable raw materials. He personally participated in the implementation of the federal target-oriented program «Destruction of stocks of chemical weapon in the Russian Federation». He was the member of the state commissions for the objects of chemical disarmament and rocket and space activities, he carried out special assignments in the interests of the state.
Scientific achievements 
 He was awarded with medals «For military valor», «In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin», «In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow», named after Yakov Bruce, «Veteran of Chemical Disarmament», «Patriot of Russia»; Medal of the «Order of Merit for the Fatherland» of the II degree; badge «For Merits in the Destruction of Chemical Weapons» of the I degree; anniversary medal «XX years to the Federal Department for Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons»; award pins «The Best State Inspector» and «The Honorary Employee of Rostechnadzor»; the commemorative medal «XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi».
Membership in professional associations
 In 2003 he was elected the corresponding member of the International Academy of Cold;
 In 2006 he was elected the academician of the International Academy of Cold;
 Member of the Scientific and technical council of Rostechnadzor, leader of the section of the Scientific and technical council;
 member of the editorial staff of the «Occupational Safety in Industry» journal.
 The author of more than 30 scientific and technical writings and works related to the activity at special and chemically hazardous production objects.
 He has implemented inventions for special and general purpose industrial subjects.


ID автора в РИНЦ: 942412
Индекc Хирша в РИНЦ: 4
SPIN-код в РИНЦ: 4435-1571