Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, engineer-physicist, 1978 г.
Professional experience
1978–1992 — junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher of the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR;
from 1992 till present — work in NTC «Industrial Safety of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia», GUP «NTC «Industrial Safety», FGUP «NTC «Industrial Safety», OAO «NTC «Industrial Safety», Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of Risk Analysis center of STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC.
Field of scientific researches
Physics of combustion and explosion;
risk analysis of industrial accidents;
normative-methodical regulation in the field of industrial safety.
He has proved himself as the scientist and the organizer of the scientific researches directed to implementation of the Federal law «On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities». He actively developed and implemented the methodology of risk analysis of accidents for ensuring safety of hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex, including the procedure of declaring industrial safety, substantiation of safety and industrial safety expertise. He is involved in the development and practical activities on the development of risk-oriented approaches in the supervision activity, methodical improvement of risk analysis, industrial safety expertise and substantiation of safety of hazardous production facilities. The most important are the works in which the main principles of risk analysis are proposed and substantiated as part of the industrial safety management system of hazardous production facilities; participation in the development of normative-legal and methodical documents on risk analysis; development of more than 300 declarations of industrial safety, substantiations of safety of hazardous production facilities and other works in the field of risk analysis and industrial safety expertise.
Scientific achievements
He was awarded with the honorary certificate of Gosgortekhnadzor, jubilee medals «290 years», «295 years» of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service.
Membership in professional associations
He is the certified expert of 1st category in the field of industrial safety expertise of the declarations and substantiations of safety of industrial safety of oil and gas industry; member of sections No. 2 («Safety of hazardous production facilities»), No. 6 («Safety of the of oil and gas facilities of oil and gas complex») of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosteсhnadzor; member of TК 23 «Oil and gas industry» (PK 7 «Trunk pipeline transportation of oil and oil products», PK 8 «Trunk pipeline gas transportation», PK 9 «Arctic operations»).
The author of more than 90 scientific works, 1 invention, 25 normative-methodical documents in the field of industrial safety.
Тел: +7 (495) 620-47-50