Ivanitskaya Elizaveta Vladimirovna

 Lomonosov Moscow State University, journalist, 1999.
 Advanced training courses: «Modern technologies of PR and advertising management», Russian school of management, 2013;
 «Strategy and tactics of development and promotion of an international scientific journal», Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers/ State Academic University of Humanities, 2019.
Professional experience
 1999–2003 — postgraduate study of Lomonosov Moscow State University, faculty of journalism, department of radio and television (Candidate of Philological Sciences);
 2000–2007 — senior editor, editor-in-chief and the coordinator of the project of information exchange between the Russian regional TV companies of ANO Internyus;
 2008–2010 — chief specialist of Promotional management (OAO VNIIST);
 2010–2016 — science editor, deputy chief of the editorial board (OOO NII Transneft);
 since 2016 till present — deputy chief editor of the journal «Occupational Safety in Industry» (STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC);
 since 2018 - the member of Russian Union of Journalists.
Field of scientific researches
 General issues of pipeline transport, industrial safety;
 scientific style, language of the scientific articles;
 broadcasting to foreign countries, alternative information broadcasting;
 international propaganda, journalism, radio journalism.
Scientific achievements
She has the gratitude of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor), anniversary medal «300 years of « Rostechnadzor» journal, the diploma of the Union of Journalists of Russia (2021).
Membership in professional associations 
 Member of editorial staff of «Occupational Safety in Industry» journal.
 Member of Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers
 The author of more than 20 scientific publications.
 Ph. +7 (495) 620-47-44


ID автора в SCOPUS: 57209226188
Индекc Хирша в SCOPUS: 2

ID автора в РИНЦ: 329336
Индекc Хирша в РИНЦ: 5
SPIN-код в РИНЦ: 5771-5908