Engineer on industrial ecology and ecobioprotective equipment, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 1997.
Professional experience
2008 — present time — the Department head of system analysis of safety in STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC;
2000–2008 — junior, senior research associate, head of laboratories on quantitative risk assessment of the Scientific and technical center on safety in industry (GP, GUP, FGUP, OAO Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, Rostechnadzor);
1999–2000 — the specialist of the I category in the State committee on the environmental protection, Moscow (Moskompriroda);
1997–2001 — the graduate student of N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, «Ecology and industrial safety» department.
Field of scientific researches
Analysis of hazards and assessment of technogenic risk;
up-to-date hazards of major industrial accidents;
system analysis of ensuring industrial safety;
substantiation of industrial safety;
safe process improvement in post-industrial society;
regulation in the field of ensuring safety;
technogenic risk standardizing;
crisis social science and post-industrial safety.
Scientific achievements
Since 2002 the author and the moderator of the popular scientific information and analytical Internet resource «Analysis of Hazards and Assessment of Technogenic Risk» —, RiskProm.rf.
Since 2010 the scientific secretary of the dissertation council D 355.001.01 at STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC in specialty 05.26.03 — Fire and industrial safety (oil and gas a complex, development of solid minerals).
Since 2017 the scientific secretary of section No. 1 of the Scientific and technical council of Rostechnadzor «Issues of improvement of safety state regulation, supervising activity».
Membership in professional associations
The member of the dissertation council D 355.001.01 at STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC in specialty 05.26.03 — Fire and industrial safety (oil and gas complex, development of solid minerals).
Member of section No. 1 of the Scientific and technical council of Rostechnadzor «Issues of improvement of safety state regulation, supervising activity».
The author more than 150 published scientific works, including 9 monographs and the collection «White book: industry and construction in Russia 1950–2014».