Gorlov Alexander Nikolaevich

Moscow Civil Engineering Institute named after V.V. Kuybyshev, civil engineer, 1983
Professional experience
1987–2007 — district inspector, chief state inspector, department head of elevators, deputy head of Moscow Interregional Department of Technological and Environmental Supervision of Rostechnadzor;
2007–2009 — Deputy Head of the Interregional department of supervision of the equipment operating under pressure, thermal installations and networks of the Interregional department of technological and environmental Supervision of Rostechnadzor in the Central federal district;
2009–2011 — Head of Department of energy and construction supervision of Rostechnadzor;
2009–2015 — Head of Department of state construction supervision of Rostechnadzor;
2015–2018 — Assistant to the head of Rostechnadzor;
2018–2019 — acting Head of Pechora Department of Rostechnadzor;
from March 2019 to the present — Head of Department, State Construction Supervision of Rostechnadzor.
Field of scientific researches
Provision of state services in the field of industrial safety, self-regulation in construction, state construction supervision, organization of construction.
Participation in the organization and implementation of the federal state construction supervision, state control (supervision) over the activities of the self-regulating organizations in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects,  provision of state services in the field of self-regulation within the frame of Rostechnadzor authorities, coordination of work on the implementation of control over implementation of the authorities by the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor in the field of activity of the Department, in the development of draft documents related to the competence of the State construction supervision department of Rostechnadzor, in analyzing practice of legislation application and making proposals for their improvement.
Scientific and industrial achievements
For merits in the field of standard-setting and legal support of the control, supervision and licensing functions of federal executive bodies, he was awarded the Commemorative Medal of the President of the Russian Federation «XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi», departmental awards of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Rostechnadzor, Department of the Supervision over  conducting safe work in EMERCOM industry of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the certificate of honor of the  Interstate council for industrial safety.
Author of consulting materials on the areas of activity of the State construction supervision department of Rostechnadzor.
Теl. +7 (495) 646-33-18
E-mail: A.Gorlov@gosnadzor.ru
