Buinovsky Stanislav Nikolaevich

 1963 — department of mechanical engineering of MVTU named after N.E. Bauman (mechanical engineer on aircrafts);
 1968 — MSU Department of Mechanics and Mathematics named after M.V. Lomonosov (mathematician);
 1965 — postgraduate study, TsIAM named after P.I. Baranov;
 1972 — post graduate degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences, TsIAM named after P.I. Baranov;
 1983 — an academic title of the senior research associate with a specialization in «technology of special products», GNIIKHTEOS;
 1988 — an academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, GNIIKHTEOS.
Professional experience
 1962–1974 — TsIAM named after P.I. Baranov (technician, engineer, senior engineer, leading engineer, leading designer on complicated objects);
 1974–1998 — GNIIKHTEOS (laboratory lead, department head, acting deputy director);
 1998–2008 — editor-in-chief, deputy director —editor-in-chief of the «Occupational Safety in Industry « journal, GUP NTC PB, FGUP NTC PB, OAO NTC PB;
 2009 — till present — editor-in-chief of the editorial staff of the periodical publications («Occupational Safety in Industry « journal, Information bulletin of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service), Closed Joint Stock Company «Scientific Technical Center of Industrial Safety Problems Research» (STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC).
Field of scientific research
 processes of heat-mass-exchange at chemical reactions behavior in the technical devices of special purpose;
 theoretical and pilot studies of processes of burning of high-energy compositions of various aggregate state;
 current gas dynamics in channels and at jet efflux;
 mathematical modeling of the studied processes;
 development of high-temperature technological processes of receiving clean disperse materials;
 research the fire and explosion hazardous characteristics of the organo-element compounds and the products on their basis;
 development of fire extinguishing means the organo-element compounds and the products on their basis.
Scientific achievements
 Member of two Doctoral Dissertation Councils.
 Scientific and professional life is recognized by the government and departmental awards: the medals «For Labour Valour», «In Memory of 850 Anniversary of Moscow» (Decree of the President of Russia), the medal of the academician S.P. Korolev (Federation of astronautics of the USSR), the Anniversary medal «290 years» of Rostechnadzor, the medal of James Bruce (Rostechnadzor), a commemorative medal in honor of 50 anniversary of GDL-OKB (NPO «Energiya»), the silver commemorative medal of «60 years to Miner’s Day») (NP Gornopromyshlenniki Rossii), the badge «Excellent Student of Chemical Industry of the USSR» badge (MHP USSR), certificates of the honors student of the Ministry of chemical industry of the USSR, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, Rostechnadzor, TsIAM of P.I. Baranov, GNIIKHTEOS, etc.
 The author of more than 250 scientific publications and 29 copyright certificates on inventions.


ID автора в РИНЦ: 939033
Индекc Хирша в РИНЦ: 4
SPIN-код в РИНЦ: 2763-1380