Analysis of Occupational and Industrial Safety at Razrez Kolyvansky JSC

Stress State of Layered Rock Mass Containing A Mine Working of Round Cross-section

Methodological Principles of Risk Management at Mining Enterprises under Uncertainty of the Environment

The Peculiarities of Building a Company’s Environmental Management System Considering the Newly Introduced National Standards GOST R ISO 14006—2022 and GOST R IEC 62430—2023

Increasing the Motivation of Employees of Oil and Gas Industry in the Field of Industrial and Occupational Safety

Analysis of the Impact of Violation of Safety Requirements on the Occurrence of Accidents at Enterprises of Main Gas Transportation

Assessment of Impact of Harmful Factors of Production Environment in a Foundry

Experimental Studies of Combustion of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Mixtures in a Partially Confined Space

Reducing Accidents and Emergencies when Driving a Train in Automatic Mode