Development and practical implementation of the enterprise industrial safety management system considering the new requirements of the legislation on creation of the state system for monitoring, remote control, technical certification, and diagnostics of technical devices at hazardous production facilities supervised by Rostechnadzor is discussed in the article. To perform automated collection, recording, generalization, systematization, and evaluation of the information on the parameters that characterize safety of the enterprise hazardous equipment as a whole and each technical device, a block diagram of the enterprise automated industrial safety management system is proposed. The basics are suggested for creating the automated system containing a database that includes all the technical documentation, certificates and expert opinions, repair documentation and accompanying documents (orders, instructions, audit conclusions, etc.) for the efficiency of tracking the technical condition in real time considering changes in all the controlled parameters of the enterprise technological complexes.
It is noted in the article that the assessment of the technical condition and life of single and unique technical devices that make up the bulk of equipment in hazardous production should be carried out already at the manufacturing stage by combining technical control with technical diagnostics, and their results should be included in the technical passport of the device. The need in this information for the operators is invaluable, especially after working out the manufacturer's designated period of safe operation and for evaluating the actual technical condition and comparing it with its original, which was documented during fabrication. Data on the initial state allows to qualitatively assess the degradation processes that are developing during operation and consider them when evaluating the life of a technical device and conduct a qualitative audit of the industrial safety management system.
Development and practical implementation of the enterprise industrial safety management system considering the new requirements of the legislation on creation of the state system for monitoring, remote control, technical certification, and diagnostics of technical devices at hazardous production facilities supervised by Rostechnadzor is discussed in the article. To perform automated collection, recording, generalization, systematization, and evaluation of the information on the parameters that characterize safety of the enterprise hazardous equipment as a whole and each technical device, a block diagram of the enterprise automated industrial safety management system is proposed. The basics are suggested for creating the automated system containing a database that includes all the technical documentation, certificates and expert opinions, repair documentation and accompanying documents (orders, instructions, audit conclusions, etc.) for the efficiency of tracking the technical condition in real time considering changes in all the controlled parameters of the enterprise technological complexes.
It is noted in the article that the assessment of the technical condition and life of single and unique technical devices that make up the bulk of equipment in hazardous production should be carried out already at the manufacturing stage by combining technical control with technical diagnostics, and their results should be included in the technical passport of the device. The need in this information for the operators is invaluable, especially after working out the manufacturer's designated period of safe operation and for evaluating the actual technical condition and comparing it with its original, which was documented during fabrication. Data on the initial state allows to qualitatively assess the degradation processes that are developing during operation and consider them when evaluating the life of a technical device and conduct a qualitative audit of the industrial safety management system.
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