The requirements imposed by the subjects of the mining enterprise to the occupational safety employees are becoming tougher. To comply with them, further reduction of the risk of injury is required based on the organizational and technical solutions that will provide sufficient protection for the personnel involved in the production process.
Production process of the mining enterprise is a combination of labor and technological processes through the implementation of an organizational and managerial process. The main factors affecting occupational safety at the mining enterprise are the hazardous factors of the production environment (technical, technological, mining-geological and natural-climatic, human behavior), and the factors that determine human behavior (organizational and managerial, socio-economic, psycho-physiological, motivational and qualifying).
Injury occurs when a person connects with the energy of a hazardous factor, the power of which exceeds his protective ability. To prevent such a connection, it is required to organize the interaction of personnel in such a way that, in addition to the adequate use of protective equipment, provide appropriate control and safety net of employees, their presence at a safe distance from the hazardous zone or timely removal from it.
Interaction of the personnel is determined and formed on the basis of an assessment of the state of the following influencing factors: motivation, qualifications and psycho-physiological state of employees or groups of employees, organizational and management system, and socio-economic environment.
Using the proposed approach allows to identify hazards; organize groups of employees in such a way as to adequately apply the methods of protection; develop and take measures to ensure a sufficient level of occupational safety.
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