Influence of the factors such as age and professional length of service of the drivers on the frequency of industrial injuries is considered. For conducting analysis, the statistical data was used related to the incidents that occurred on the land transport in one of the Russian oil and gas companies in the period of 2006–2019. Despite the fact that the transportation by land transport is not the main area of the company activity, this group of incidents takes the second place. Therefore, study of the factors on which the number of incidents on the land transport may hypothetically depend is relevant.
The main tool of the analysis in the work is Pareto diagrams, which are used to determine the age group and that length of professional service of the drivers, in which the greatest number of incidents occurred on the land transport. Further, using the correlation method the dependence was determined, and the qualitative assessment of the obtained relationship tightness was carried out. Of the two hypotheses put forward in the work about the influence of the age and length of service of the drivers on the number of incidents on the land transport, one was confirmed — with an increase in the length of service of the drivers, there is a tendency of reducing the risk of an incident occurrence.
The results of the conducted analysis allow to conclude that in addition to the basic statistical data on incidents, it is required to study and consider other factors that can affect on the number of incidents on the land transport, one of which is the level of safety culture of the drivers.
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