The problem of ensuring occupational safety at the mining enterprises is studied. Based on the joint analysis of a significant number of incidents, accidents, injuries, the best and the worst practices, the proven and mastered methods of the sufficiently reliable occupational safety were identified. Three main types of production control are considered: delayed, situational, advanced, their specific features, strengths and weaknesses are reviewed. The delayed type of control is traditional, easy to implement and required. However, the use of only this type of control will not help to significantly improve the level of occupational safety. Situational type of control allows to track the actions of personnel by monitoring hazardous production situations, i.e. real danger is controlled. The advanced type of production control ensures the recognition and prediction of the prerequisites for the emergence of hazardous production situations in the production process and its environment. Identified combinations of the conditions and factors for the emergence of hazardous production situations are eliminated in a planned manner. Thus, a production process is formed and maintained with the given parameters of safety, productivity, and labor efficiency.
Growth of the quality of the production process and its control allows significantly (several times) reduce the level of injuries, increase equipment productivity and labor efficiency. This requires a program of the targeted actions to improve occupational safety. It provides for the organizational solutions that ensure not only compliance with safety rules, but also the maintenance of the production process at the required quality level.
The program-target method was successfully used by the Siberian Department of Rostechnadzor for the work with the most hazardous factors, especially at the problematic enterprises of Kuzbass.
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