The Impact of Cryogenic Media and Jet Fire on Epoxy Intumescent Compositions Designed to Protect Equipment and Building Structures of the Oil and Gas Industry


The article discusses the studies of epoxy intumescent fire-protective coating of steel structures impacted by cryogenic media and jet fire, in accordance with the requirements of the methodology developed at the Orenburg branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, and harmonized with the international standards ISO 22899-1:2021, ISO 20088-1:2016, and ISO 20088-3. The tests have been conducted with the epoxy fire- and cryogenic-protective intumescent composition «Plamkor-5» (produced by JSC Scientific and Production Holding «VMP», Yekaterinburg, Russia). According to the results of the test for resistance of a square-shaped sample with internal dimensions 1500×1500×500 mm and a central shelf made of 10 mm thick carbon steel coated with the fire-retardant composition «Plamkor-5» to cryogenic fluid spill, it has been established that the sample does not reach the critical temperature of minus 49 °C with an actual 22.37 mm dry layer thickness. The average sample temperature at the 60th minute of the test was minus 32.09 °C.

The results of the test of a similar sample in order to determine the resistance of the fire-protective composition «Plamkor-5» to a jet fire with an actual 10,89 mm thickness of the protective dry layer have shown that the sample does not reach the critical temperature of 500 °С during 60-minute fire exposure, whereas the average temperature of the sample was only 37 % (184.84 ºС) of the temperature limit value. 

According to the results of the test for resistance of a steel column shape sample of I-section 25K2 coated with the fire-retardant composition «Plamkor-5» to spill under the pressure of the cryogenic liquid, it has been established that the sample does not reach the critical temperature of minus –49 °С with an actual 23.78 mm dry layer thickness, whereas the average temperature of the sample at the 60th minute of test was minus 48.38 °С.

The obtained results are comparable with the effect of the best import analogs; therefore, «Plamkor-5»-based fire-protective coatings can be used for the design and development of fire protection of building structures, at the facilities of the oil and gas industry, in tunnel structures, and civil engineering.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-6-47-55
Year: 2024
Issue num: June
Keywords : building structure oil and gas complex epoxy fire-protective coating cryogenic impact Jet-Fire regime steel samples
  • Gravit M.V., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., High School of Industrial and Civil Engineering and road construction, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; Lead Researcher, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; Lead Engineer, Research and Educational Weatherford Polytechnic Center, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Nedviga E.S.
    Senior Lecturer, Higher School of Industrial and Civil Engineering and road construction, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; Senior Lecturer, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Fridrikh O.A.
    Junior Researcher, Orenburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, Orenburg, Russian Federation