The technology of digital twins has wide possibilities in comparison with the standard work processes, finding an increased application in a wide variety of human activities. The main advantage of this technology is the increase in the efficiency of production processes due to the transition from a large number of full-scale tests, which require significant costs, to mathematical and computer modeling.
The article demonstrates the results of using the digital environment to perform a rather time-consuming process of occupational risk assessment. The mathematical model introduced into the digital environment for assessing the components of occupational risk makes it easy to carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the danger and harmfulness of any production process. The method of integral assessment of working conditions was taken as the basis for the mathematical model, the essence of which is to assess the risk of the complex impact of harmfulness and hazards identified in the workplaces. As a result, using appropriate software (for example, Excel), it is possible to upload data on the results of a special assessment of working conditions and expert analysis of scenarios of possible incidents and the consequences of their implementation into the system, and almost immediately receive information about the risk of harmful and hazardous effect, thereby bypassing the process of identifying risky production factors.
For objects being designed or reconstructed, the digital environment makes it possible to preliminarily assess the state of working conditions at the workplaces, which in the future may become a justification for the use of more efficient means to reduce occupational risks.
Thus, the presented digital model allows to optimize the work of employees of the labor protection service, which will ultimately affect the quality of working conditions and the level of occupational risks of employees.
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