The important problem of the modern industry is considered - increased noise level. In the modern production, high-performance technological equipment is used, the operation of which results in the appearance of hazardous and harmful production factors, among which the noise plays non unimportant role. During the study it was established that the increased noise is one of the provocators of many occupational diseases. One more negative consequence of the increased noise level is the decrease in the employee productivity.
This is confirmed by the results of studies of the effect of noise on the operability of the operators of the dishware-package shop of the distillery.
The equivalent noise level for an eight-hour working day was 83.6 dB, which is higher than the standard values by 3.6 dB, therefore, the workshop belongs to the harmful working conditions (class 3.1). Thus, the noise in the dishware-package shop negatively affects the organs of hearing, leads to a deterioration in the activity of the cardiovascular system, and, also acts as a general biological irritant affecting the whole body. In addition, this phenomenon reduces labor productivity by an average of 10–15 %.
The cubic single-piece sound absorber was developed for the dishware-package shop of the distillery, the use of which made it possible to reduce the noise level and improve the working conditions from harmful class 3.1 to permissible class 2, as well as increase the labor productivity from 89 to 96 %.
Therefore, the measures aimed at noise reduction are not only social in nature, but also give a considerable economic effect in terms of increasing labor productivity.
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