Influence of Faults on the System of Advanced Degassing of the Designed Mir Mine


Aspects of the gas content of the host rocks of the bedrock diamond deposit of the Mir kimberlite pipe are considered. The intervals of gas-saturated reservoirs in the interval of the Tolbachan were studied and identified, the effect of discontinuous disturbances on their fluid saturation is given. The research results allow to predict the nature of gas occurrences and the amount of reservoir gases during the mining of the Mir tube indigenous diamond deposit in the Tolbachan formation interval. The efficiency of the proposed method of degassing host rocks is confirmed by the already achieved significant (20–30 times) drop in the flow rates of observed gas manifestations at analogous deposits, and the absence of cases of gassing in the opening workings and stopes of mines over the past 3–5 years. Degassing of host rocks is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, a circular system of vertical leading wells is drilled to the full capacity of the production block. Calculations showed as follows:  the system of advanced degassing of reservoirs of the Tolbachan should consist of 64 wells with a depth of 350 m each. To ensure safe mining, drilling of holes should be carried out directly from the underground mine workings, using blowout control equipment designed for a pressure of 225–250 kgf/cm2. Subsequently, the residual pressure in the massif will not exceed 30–40 kgf/cm2, which will allow to move on to the second stage of massif unloading — drilling of slightly inclined wells directly from the faces of the underground mine workings under construction.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-10-73-78
Year: 2022
Issue num: October
Keywords : deposit methane Malo-Botuobinsky diamond-bearing area carbonate reservoirs methane formation gases degassing drilling rock mass unloading Mir pipe Tolbachan suite
  • Yannikov A.M.
    Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Mineral.), Laboratory Head Institute «Yakutniproalmaz», ALROSA, Mirny, Russia
  • Yannikova S.A.
    Lead Engineer Institute «Yakutniproalmaz», ALROSA, Mirny, Russia
  • Kharchenko A.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant, Assoc. Prof., Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia