The problem of prevention of contamination of the residential area of metal mines by extracting metals from natural leaching solutions to reduce the incidence of residents is considered. Quantitative indicators are presented concerning the pollution of residential areas with natural leaching products. It is proposed to extract toxic metals from the liquid leaching products as they reach the earth surface. The mechanism of environmental degradation as a result of the activities of the enterprises of the Sadon lead-zinc plant is detailed.
It is shown that the phenomenon of extraction of metals from natural and technological solutions can be used in the implementation of environmental protection processes. The results of the application of geotechnological methods of metal production in the North Caucasus are summarized. The contribution of scientists from the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute to the theory and practice of metal leaching is noted. The program of technological and medical research was developed, and the results of comprehensive studies of the morbidity of mine workers and residents of residential areas depending on the distance from the source of pollution are presented. An algorithm for the organization of preventive leaching of ores left in the worked-out space is proposed.
It is proved that the chemical impact of natural leaching of ore mining and processing products on the population of residential areas is the cause of technogenic metal-induced toxicity and is accompanied by an increase in diseases. It is substantiated that a radical measure to prevent progressive morbidity is the preventive extraction of metals from ore processing tailings and mine wastewater. It is shown that the extraction of metals from the products of their activities helps to reduce environmental damage and morbidity among employees of mining enterprises and the population of residential areas.
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