Vibration Safety During the Operation of Industrial Building Structures under Conditions of Dynamic Effects from Equipment


A general approach to the vibration safety of capital construction objects in Russia under the conditions of dynamic effects from industrial equipment is given based on the analysis of the requirements for the structures of buildings and facilities at the design and operation stage. The directions that are related to buildings and structures are described, including the mechanical safety requirements for buildings and structures. The analysis was carried out in order to determine the requirements for the structures of buildings and facilities that require processing in order to harmonize Russian regulatory technical documents in construction and industrial safety. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by its compliance with the main goals and objectives of the Russian state policy in the field of industrial safety, aimed at consistently reducing the risks of accidents occurrence at the industrial facilities, and minimizing their negative consequences. The article states that the characteristics of the elements of building structures, which were considered during the design in dynamic calculations of the strength and stability of a building or structure, may change during operation under the influence of climatic factors or aggressive influences of external and internal environments, including the influence of technological processes that can cause fatigue phenomena in the material of building structures.
The method of calculation for dynamic loads of structures of buildings and facilities, considering the changes in power and environmental influences during operation, is briefly described. The main proposals for changing the requirements for the structures of buildings under vibration effects were developed and compiled in the form of a list. The results of the implementation of the submitted proposals will contribute to improving the efficiency of the processes of domestic industrial construction of buildings and structures, updating the regulatory and technical base, ensuring the safety of production facilities, maintaining compliance of buildings and structures with their functional purpose, reducing the risk of harm to health, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property and the environment.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-6-81-89
Year: 2023
Issue num: June
Keywords : corrosion design mechanical safety промышленные здания dynamic calculation method industrial equipment finite element method force and environmental influences
  • Berlinov M.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia